Prevention of infectious diseases

Infectious diseases may cause severe complications, so individuals must prevent and avoid contracting these diseases, so what is how to prevent infectious diseases?
Infectious diseases are conditions caused by a bacterial infection. These small organisms
can be transmitted to humans in many different ways. These germs can cause a wide range
of illnesses that vary in severity from mild to severe or life-threatening.
It is necessary to know the methods of protection and prevention, here is the most important information on how to prevent infectious diseases.

Prevention of infectious diseases.

There is a wide range of germs, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi, that can live both inside and outside the human body.
Where these germs can be beneficial; Such as beneficial bacteria in the digestive system that facilitate digestion, or may be harmful and lead to serious diseases, such as AIDS or meningitis.
In fact, the incidence of a bacterial infection, whether it is a beneficial or harmful germ, depends on many factors, the most important of which is the health and safety of the individual's immune system, in addition to the presence of other risk factors.In general, following the basic principles of protection contributes to avoiding infection and preventing the risk of contracting these diseases to a relatively large extent, as there are many ways to prevent these diseases.

Here are some examples of ways to prevent infectious diseases:

_Vaccination is one of the most important means of immunization against many germs, 
which greatly reduces an individual’s chances of contracting many diseases, so care
must be taken to receive the latest recommended vaccinations for all individuals.
_Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, before or after performing the following 
tasks: before preparing or eating food, after using the bathroom, after coughing, 
sneezing and blowing the nose, after visiting or caring for a sick person, after feeding 
and petting pets, or after performing any dirty tasks.
_Covering the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with a tissue, or with the elbow 
of the hand if tissues are not available.
_Avoid direct contact with any unidentified tissue or paper towels.
_Washing, sterilizing and dressing wounds. Serious wounds should be examined by a doctor, 
especially if they arise from an animal or insect bite.
_Avoid sharing utensils and eating equipment with an infected person.
_Avoid sharing utensils and eating equipment with an infected person.
_Avoid direct contact or sharing personal items with an infected person, such as 
toothbrushes, razors, or combs.
_ Avoid drinking or swimming in polluted water.
_ Avoid eating food and drinking beverages brought by an infected person. Ventilate the house well.
_ Periodically sterilize surfaces, tables and shelves.
_The individual can prevent infection resulting from foodborne germs, by following 
the principles of safe food preparation, such as washing hands thoroughly before and 
after handling raw meat, washing all types of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits with 
running water before cooking or eating them, and cooking foods well, especially meat.
_ Have proper sex, by following the methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
A person with an infectious disease must stay at home until the doctor decides otherwise.
_ When planning to travel to a country, the individual must investigate the 
epidemiological situation first, and it may require taking the necessary vaccinations, 
before heading to countries where certain types of epidemics are spread; Such as viral 
hepatitis A or B, or yellow fever, typhoid or cholera.
_ Drinking boiled or bottled water and following nutritional prevention methods as 
mentioned above when traveling to places infested with some diseases transmitted through 
contaminated food and drink, such as cholera, amoeba or malaria.
_ While traveling to endemic areas, avoid going out at times when mosquitoes and flies 
are most active.

Methods of transmission of infection.

_After you have familiarized yourself with the ways to prevent infectious diseases, 
it is necessary to mention the ways of transmission of infection, to help you understand 
how to avoid infection with these diseases, as infection can be transmitted to humans 
_ For direct contact, kissing, sneezing and coughing of an infected person towards a healthy person.
_Infection through the blood.
_ From the mother to her fetus during pregnancy, at birth or during breastfeeding.
_ sexual intercourse.
_ Eating food and drinking contaminated water.
_ Touching surfaces contaminated with dangerous germs.
_A healthy person is bitten or scratched by an animal that carries the infection.
_Insect bites that carry the infection.

Risk factors that increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

_All individuals are exposed to infectious diseases, but there are those who are more susceptible to contracting these diseases, among them we mention the following:
_People who did not receive the necessary vaccinations.
_People with immune system disorders.
_ Workers in the health sector.
_ People with some types of cancer.
_ People with AIDS and HIV.
_ The use of immunosuppressive drugs, such as cortisone, chemotherapy, and medications used after .

_People who have medical devices implanted inside the body.
_ Travelers to endemic countries.

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